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April 4, 2012
Regular Meeting
April 4, 2012
The meeting opened at 7:30 PM.  Present were: Chairman Rick McCowan, Mark Canfield, Tom Daly, Jerry Gannelli, and John Mirick.

Review Themes of E. Princeton Village District
Mark reviewed an outline of goals to be achieved by a proposed zoning change for the E. Princeton Village District. Ideas include:
  • Define boundaries to be part of the village
  • Safety design standards for lighting & traffic calming
  • Signage relative to safety & appearance standards
  • Appearance- how the village should look, curbside view restrictions and dimension restrictions
  • Off street parking
  • Town services – police enforcement of speed, noise & weight limits
Alex Fiandaca was present for the discussion and noted during the forum the consensus was a site plan review requirement for any new commercial building

Rick & Tom noted during the forum it was clear that residents didn’t want design standards dictated to them. It was agreed that the best approach is for two different overlay districts; one for commercial and one for residential.
Jerry questioned what the board is trying to accomplish since this has been a discussion topic over the past a few years. Rick said the goal is to preserve current historic environment and village as it exists today.

Mark Suggests board members take a topic and research other towns that have these bylaws to assist in the creation of a zoning bylaw.
  • Commercial zoning design standards-John agreed to research and will review at the May 2 meeting
  • Residential zoning design standards-Mark will research and review at the May 2 meeting
  • Demolition bylaw and standards for rebuilding

Discuss Adding the Requirement of Recording of Site Plan Decisions
The board agreed to table until the next meeting to review with John’s memo  drafted on March 3, 2011.

Jim Shuris- Review of The Knoll- Isaac’s Way
Jim Shuris requested slips from the paving contractor and will work with Doug Andrysick.

Worcester Rd Project Advisory Committee Update
Jerry reported that the second workshop will be held on April 11. A strong turnout is expected.  The committee hopes to achieve a consensus. A flyer will be distributed at local businesses. Phyllis will advertise in the Landmark.

Administrative Business
Review Final Report of the Planning Board for proposed By-Law Amendments – The board reviewed the draft report to the Town Clerk. Rick noted that Chapter 40A Section 5, states the report should be addressed to town meeting. Brenda will change the report to include the Town Moderator.

Sign Sprint Special Permit Decision - the board signed the decision.

Sign Verizon Site Plan Review Decision- the board signed the decision.

The board reviewed the mail.

Meeting Minutes
March 21, Regular Meeting –Table until next meeting.

Other Business
Tom reported that the RPOD bylaw is activated for clearing of more that ¼ acre of land, or 2,000 square feet of natural vegetation.  
The board would like John Wilson to look at property on Merriam Rd by route 62 to determine if the RPOD bylaw is in effect in this case. John Wilson will be invited to the next meeting. Tom will draft a memo note to other departments to remind them of this bylaw. He will draft and bring to next meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 PM.  All were in favor.

Respectfully Submitted

Brenda Savoie
Administrative Assistant